Balikpapan City

About Balikpapan

Balikpapan is the second big city in East Kalimantan. It is called oil city because there are many international oil companies, mining companies and related support industries. Balikpapan city has tropist climate. It also consists of two seasons, namely; rainy and sunny. The weather is around 28 °C – 32 °C. The populations are a mix, with lots of Javanese, Bugisnese, and the locals which are Kutainese, Dayaknese, and Banjarnese. The people are quiet and polite.

How to reach Balikpapan?

Most dosmetic people can travel Balikpapan by airplane. It can be reached by several flights from Jakarta, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Tarakan, Yogyakarta, and Makassar. There are also international flights from Jakarta, Bali and Singapore. From airport to the venue can be reached by airport taxi around 25 minute

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